2 Halls - 2 Callers - Basic, Mainstream SSD & Plus/Advance
March 15th 1:00 - 4:30PM
Cataraqui Community Centre & Arena
1030 Sunnyside Rd, Kingston, ON K7L 4V4
401 Exit 613 - Sydenham Road, to McIvor to Sunnyside.
Go to our Dance Calendar Page to view flyer with full details
2 Halls - 2 Callers - Basic, Mainstream SSD & Plus/Advance
March 15th 1:00 - 4:30PM
Cataraqui Community Centre & Arena
1030 Sunnyside Rd, Kingston, ON K7L 4V4
401 Exit 613 - Sydenham Road, to McIvor to Sunnyside.
Go to our Dance Calendar Page to view flyer with full details
Single or couples - all are welcome
2 left feet - No Problem We will have you dancing in no time at all! During the pandemic, many of us rediscovered the simple joys of walking and experienced both the physical and mental benefits! Well, dancing is another great way to experience not only those 2 benefits but also the social benefit of meeting new people and making new friends. Every evening there are lots of smiles!
Dance for the Health of it! Reprinted from Mayo Clinic Health Letter January 1994 SOCIAL DANCING "Jazz up your fitness routine with a regular dose of dancing! Evelyn resolved that in the New Year she'd exercise regularly. But it's only the beginning of the New Year and she's already bored with her new stationary bike. The rowing machine and treadmill at the YMCA held little appeal. When a friend coaxed her to go along for an evening of free dance lessons, she realized exercise doesn't have to be a chore. It's true. Whether you're swirling across the dance floor to a Strauss Waltz or doing do-si-dos to the commands of a square dance caller, you're getting exercise - and probably having fun too. Dancing pairs you up with more than a partner. From burning calories to socializing with friends, dancing offers these health benefits: Calories - Dancing can burn as many calories as walking, swimming or riding a bicycle. During a half-hour of dancing you can burn between 200 and 400 calories. One factor that determines how many calories you'll expend is the distance you travel. In, one study, researchers attached pedometers to square dancers and found that each person covered five miles in a single evening. Cardiovascular Conditioning - Regular exercise can lead to a slower heart rate, lower blood pressure and improved cholesterol profile. Experts typically recommend 30 - 40 minutes of continuous activity three or four times a week. Dancing may not provide all the conditioning you need, but it can help. The degree of cardiovascular conditioning depends on how vigorously you dance, how long you dance continuously, and how regularly you do it. Strong Bones - The side to side movements of many dances strengthens your weight bearing bones (tibia, fibula and femur) and can help prevent or slow loss of bone mass (osteoporosis). Rehabilitation - If you're recovering from heart or knee surgery, movement may be part of your rehabilitation. Dancing is a positive alternative to aerobic dancing or jogging. |
Watch the video on this page and hear what people have had to say! We no longer wear the poufy skirts!!
Sociability - Dancing contains a social component that solitary fitness endeavors don't. It gives you an opportunity to develop strong social ties which contribute to self-esteem and a positive outlook."
In addition to all this from the Mayo Clinic News Letter, there's MORE! Square dancing is less costly than a Health Club membership AND ... Dancing nourishes the mind-body connection. With all its moving, twisting, and turning, square dancing provides more than the daily dose of heart- and bone-healthy physical activity. Remembering all the calls -- from "do-si-do" to "allemande" to vquick vine eight"-- keeps the mind sharp, potentially staving off age-related memory loss, experts say. And the companionship that regular square dancing is a good antidote for depression and loneliness, a statement confirmed by square-dancing advocates everywhere. Ready to Dance Your Way to Fitness? You're tempted, but not sure if you've got what it takes? Don't underestimate yourself. Come to an Open House and find out just how much FUN it is. As you might expect, MEN are the hardest to get in the door ... but did you know they are last to leave once they try it. You can have 2 left feet and still excel at Square Dancing - if you can walk, you can dance! Our caller will teach you the moves and then will call out the moves during the music so you do not need to learn the chorography of a song. |